Health Alliance Emails

Health Alliance started using Exact Target and then MailChimp to bring emails up to speed over my time there.

I designed our emails’ initial aesthetic style and helped establish our responsive code base, and then I went on to customize the design and the code, as well as writing the content, for all the emails we sent out of both tools. I tried to focus our emails on speed and creating a consistent product that looked good across email clients, and when I got the chance, I tried to make something beautiful, eye-catching, and interesting.

Our emails’ open rates under me averaged above 25%, well above industry standards for insurance companies.

Customer voiceInforMED email2017 Top Producers Lunch2018 Top Producers LunchCEO Football Night InviteBroker Summit 2016 Invite2017 Broker Summit Save the Date2017 Broker Summit InviteB2B Self-Funded Guide EmailLong View EmailVantage Point Email2018 Community Liaison SurveyRally Email